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Lesson have been learned

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726Lesson have been learned - Page 30 Empty Re: Lesson have been learned Sun Sep 30, 2012 4:08 pm

Hope Hawkins

Hope Hawkins

Hope watched as the boys started righting seeing Ellie fell on the floor then got up walking outside she followed Ellie outside helping her out by throwing her hand over her shoulder "Hey you alright.." she asked looking at her trying not to show her teary eyes as they sat down on the bench Hope healed her ankle "T-their.." she said breathing slowly trying not to loose it but covered her face groaning a bit as her eyes gotten even more teary

727Lesson have been learned - Page 30 Empty Re: Lesson have been learned Sun Sep 30, 2012 4:11 pm

Ellie and John Hawkins

Ellie and John Hawkins

Ellie felt Hope putting her arm over her shoulder and sighed, shaking her head as tears overflowed. She sat on the bench and clutched her ankle before Hope healed it. She glanced over at Hope, "Thanks... I hope you don't think I was doing anything with Jayden... he didn't remember me at all and I tried pushing him off and then Taran heard" she wiped her tears away, "so much for having a fun night" she breathed and slightly scoffed. She felt a small twinge in her ankle still, but it felt way better than it had.

728Lesson have been learned - Page 30 Empty Re: Lesson have been learned Sun Sep 30, 2012 4:19 pm

Hope Hawkins

Hope Hawkins

"I was kinda hurt seeing you like that but... more hurt from jayden.. I can't take this anymore.." she felt tears running down her face "He's been making me feel unwanted and unloved pushing me away.. I just... it's over.." she took some slow deep breaths "And don't try talking me out of it cause seeing that was pushing the limit..." Hope didn't wanna do this, why can't it be like Ellie and Taran... why does it have to be.. difficult

((I'll be back my mom wants me to run to the store and get stuff))

729Lesson have been learned - Page 30 Empty Re: Lesson have been learned Sun Sep 30, 2012 4:23 pm

Ellie and John Hawkins

Ellie and John Hawkins

"But he was drunk!" she protested, knowing that wouldn't be enough. "Great and it's all my fault" she cried and brought her knees up to her chest, not caring if anyone could see up her dress, it was dark anyway. She wrapped her arms around her legs and buried her face in her knees as she gently rocked, trying to get her mind off of everyone. She wondered what the boys were doing now... whether they resolved it. She then rolled her eyes, knowing they were both too stubborn for their own good.

(Ok Smile I'll just be here... waiting by myself for both of you XD)

730Lesson have been learned - Page 30 Empty Re: Lesson have been learned Sun Sep 30, 2012 4:30 pm

Hope Hawkins

Hope Hawkins

"No damn it Ellie it'a not yours Ive been thinking about this for awhile cause of him pushing me away so don't EVER think that... Got it... It's not your fault.." she rubbed her back "We just... we just can't talk about stuff like this is he wont let me in and try understanding." not wanting Ellie to think this is all her fault that Hope wants to end things with Jayden "Yes i know I'm stubborn but.. Ellie.... I'm tried of crying.. It feels like we're friends not a couple.. Please understand.. Don't hate me..."

731Lesson have been learned - Page 30 Empty Re: Lesson have been learned Sun Sep 30, 2012 4:36 pm

Ellie and John Hawkins

Ellie and John Hawkins

Ellie kept her face buried as she continued to cry. "I don't h-hate you" she breathed through her tears and hiccups. "I wish today n-never happened" she mumbled and kept her face hidden, not wanting to look at anyone right now.

732Lesson have been learned - Page 30 Empty Re: Lesson have been learned Sun Sep 30, 2012 5:05 pm

Necahual and Jayden

Necahual and Jayden

Jayden and Taran completely ignored everyone around them as they continued to throw punches before Taran shoved Ellie off as she tried to stop them from fighting.Jayden pushed him off and continued to punch him in the face before Taran stood up with a struggle and grabbed Jayden by his shirt shoving him into the wall and grabbed a glass bottle smashing it on his head making Jayden groan and kick him off continuing to glare. He spat blood and kicked his stomach before Taran grabbed his leg and pushed him back making Jayden stumble backwards as Taran stood up and opened the door pushing him down the stairs. Jayden broke a leg making him grow furious as forced himself up ignoring the pain and grew his wolf claws out clawing his hand as Taran was was about to punch him again and twisted his arm. Someone in the party called 911 seeing how much they were getting hurt. Once the police came, they teared them apart with struggle and took them to the hospital first seeing they both broke something.

(Wow...Talk about drama O.o)

733Lesson have been learned - Page 30 Empty Re: Lesson have been learned Sun Sep 30, 2012 5:24 pm

Hope Hawkins

Hope Hawkins

She hugged Ellie once the police came taking Jayden and Taran to the hospital She took Ellie Home to calm her down. Sitting on the couch handing Ellie some ice cream she fell asleep Hope was going to wake her up in a hour to go see Taran, after half an house She went to the hospital to see Jayden. She asked to see him as she nurse told her what room number, walking in she was out of her costume by then and in some baggy jeans and a shirt. Looking at Jayden she wonder if he was back to normal or still a jerk, ether way she'll break up with him. Hope just stood their looking at him

734Lesson have been learned - Page 30 Empty Re: Lesson have been learned Sun Sep 30, 2012 5:32 pm

Necahual and Jayden

Necahual and Jayden

Jayden was in the hospital with a cast on as he looked out the window glaring at the full moon before falling asleep. He slightly twitched as he began to have more control himself as the moon was setting. He rubbed his eyes as he woke up and groaning from drinking to much,having a hangover. He looked around the room confused to why he was in there and looked down at his leg with his eyes widened. "What the f-" He turned his head slowly seeing Hope and hesitated not sure of what happened at all. He had a bad feeling and continued to look around the room in confusion before looking at the mirror that was next to the hospital bed. He grimaced at how bruised up he looked "Who?" He said quietly before groaning as he held his head feeling like someone was pounding on it. He stayed quiet and glanced at Hope with a slight gulp.

735Lesson have been learned - Page 30 Empty Re: Lesson have been learned Sun Sep 30, 2012 5:39 pm

Hope Hawkins

Hope Hawkins

"I see your back to your old self..." she said still standing at the door way trying not to sound like she's been crying as she cleared her throat "You and Taran had a fight cause you...... was hitting on Eliie..." she said tapping her foot on the ground looking down biting her lip, good thing her hair was covering her face so he didn't see her crying but he could very well hear. "I can't..." she said slowly breathing whipping her eyes she looked at Jayden. Quickly walking up to him she kissed his cheek "I love you but I can't..." Pulling away from him not wanting to say how she's been feeling lately cause of him being in the hospital.

736Lesson have been learned - Page 30 Empty Re: Lesson have been learned Sun Sep 30, 2012 5:47 pm

Necahual and Jayden

Necahual and Jayden

"Well..I kind of risked it..I sent you a text...but you didn't reply so I went to go look for you..and I don't remember anything after." He mumbled before noticing the sadness in her voice making his frown increase. He grimaced at the thought off hitting on Ellie and stayed quiet not knowing what to say to that making there be an awkward silence as he grew mad at himself until she spoke. He looked at as he saw her whipping her tears from her eyes making his brow furrow kind of confused to what she meant by that. Was she...breaking up with him? He frowned furiously as she walked up to him and his eyes grew watery. "W-what?" He hesitated "N-no...Hope, you can't leave m-me." His hands balled up into fists as he shook his head numerously. "You wouldn't." He mumbled looking down at his lap knowing she would from the way he has been treating her. "Please..don't do this." His forehead creased as his bangs covered his eyes shaking his head in disappointment to himself.

737Lesson have been learned - Page 30 Empty Re: Lesson have been learned Sun Sep 30, 2012 5:59 pm

Ellie and John Hawkins

Ellie and John Hawkins

(Sorry I fell asleep o.o xD)

Ellie fell asleep on the couch before waking up half an hour later. She saw Hope was gone and frowned before walking upstairs and getting changed. She went to the hospital, and was directed to Taran's room, since she thought Hope and Jayden would want some alone time. She grimaced when she saw how bruised and swollen his face was, before sitting in the chair next to him and placing a hand over his, waiting for him to wake.

738Lesson have been learned - Page 30 Empty Re: Lesson have been learned Sun Sep 30, 2012 6:00 pm

Hope Hawkins

Hope Hawkins

"I'm sorry.." she tried not to cry not hearing Him she couldn't help herself tears went down her cheeks "Lately the way you been.. Ive been feeling unwanted and unloved... you say you love me and the next to leave me alone.. We're not a couple.. we're... friends. When's the last time we went on a full date with out you leaving me just to be alone." she said wanting to take his hand but that would make things had "I... just can't deal with it anymore..."

739Lesson have been learned - Page 30 Empty Re: Lesson have been learned Sun Sep 30, 2012 6:08 pm

Necahual and Jayden

Necahual and Jayden

After a couple hours, Taran woke up groaning with a hangover and feeling pain all over his body especially in his arm. He opened his eyes not noticing Ellie and looked down at his arm,which had a cast. He raised an eyebrow looking around the hospital room as he rub his temple with his space hand before turning his head slightly flinching when he saw Ellie. "What..what am I doing here?" He mumbled and shook his head with a groan. "What happened last night?"

Jayden was about to speak but knew he would just make things worse and shut his mouth groaning inwardly as he glared. "I-I'm sorry." He sighed and looked at her with his eyes watering "Y-you deserve someone better...if that's how you feel." He mumbled as his voice cracked up at the end. "And...I don't think I we..can be friends." He covered his face hating himself right now. "I don't see how we friends...after all we have fucking been through." He wiped the tears from his eyes with his sleeve.

(Haha! xD That's OK!)

740Lesson have been learned - Page 30 Empty Re: Lesson have been learned Sun Sep 30, 2012 6:13 pm

Ellie and John Hawkins

Ellie and John Hawkins

Ellie didn't say anything at first. She ran her thumb over his hand before pulling it away and resting it in her lap. "You got drunk" she sighed, thinking that was all she needed to say. "You and Jayden got into a fight" she mumbled quietly as her eyes started to water again. She tried her best to hold back any tears, "you were mean a-and violent" she looked down at her lap as she tried to get the words out properly. "I know you were trying to protect me b-but you took it too far" she swallowed and rubbed her ankle slightly before turning her head to look at him.

741Lesson have been learned - Page 30 Empty Re: Lesson have been learned Sun Sep 30, 2012 6:18 pm

Necahual and Jayden

Necahual and Jayden

"Me and Jayden?" He scoffed before looking at his hand seeing claw marks making him frown. "W-why did we get into a fight?" He asked as his brow furrowed seeing her eyes watering. He hesitated when she told him he was mean and violent and sighed in disappointment trying to remember what happened before looking back at her. "I was trying to protect you? From Jayden? What..did he do?" He asked trying to figure out what he got into a fight with him. Did Jayden..touch her? He frowned furiously at the thought "What do you mean I-I took it too far?" He asked hesitantly as she rubbed her ankle.

742Lesson have been learned - Page 30 Empty Re: Lesson have been learned Sun Sep 30, 2012 6:22 pm

Hope Hawkins

Hope Hawkins

She hated the tone in his voice, hating herself she pulled away from him rubbing her arm as she looked down with her hair in her face. Her eyes widen at what he said "So what are you saying?" she said as she hand started shaking not wanting him to say what she think he'll say "Do you want me to just forget about you? Is... that want you want?"

743Lesson have been learned - Page 30 Empty Re: Lesson have been learned Sun Sep 30, 2012 6:23 pm

Ellie and John Hawkins

Ellie and John Hawkins

"He was hitting on me... but he didn't know who I was because he was drunk..." she hesitated and looked at Taran. "I was trying to push him away but he wouldn't let go and you came over and punched him and then he punched you back-" she mumbled. "I tried to stop you guys from fighting but you shoved me away" she frowned and touched her ankle lightly before holding her hands in her lap. "I went outside with Hope because I didn't want to see you guys fighting... and because I couldn't do anything to stop it without one of you hurting me" she bit her lip and fiddled her fingers together. "But now he has a broken leg and you have a broken arm" she sighed and looked up at the ceiling.

744Lesson have been learned - Page 30 Empty Re: Lesson have been learned Sun Sep 30, 2012 6:31 pm

Necahual and Jayden

Necahual and Jayden

Taran's eyes widened as he looked at his arm. "Wow." He breathed out and lifted his knees. "All one night?" He mumbled with his eyebrows raised still shocked as he tried to grasp the whole situation. "Ellie...I am sorry if I hurt you in any way." He frowned looking at her with a sigh "I know being drunk..isn't an excuse..but seriously...I meant it..I am sorry..I didn't mean for any of this." He sighed and shook his head in disappointment. "I don't think I will be drinking anymore."

Jayden took a deep breath and hesitantly nodded his head. "Y-yea....being friends..would just make it...worse...for me..I don't know about you." He mumbled lowly as he pushed his hair to the side. " would just haunt me seeing you as just a let's just not be...friends." He voice cracked again at the last word while he closed his eyes shut thinking it was better for both of them. Covering his face, he winced at the pain before ignoring as he couldn't help but cry as much as he hated to.

745Lesson have been learned - Page 30 Empty Re: Lesson have been learned Sun Sep 30, 2012 6:42 pm

Hope Hawkins

Hope Hawkins

Hurt that he wanted to just not be friends at all not see each other she just nodded "Right you just want to be alone... like always.... Have it your way.." she whipped her eyes walking out of his room hearing him cry she bit her lip walking back home. Once she was their Hope shut the door sliding down she started crying holding her knees to her chest not caring if her dad or mom heard her. Mel woke up hearing crying thinking it was John but when she came out of her room seeing her daughter on the floor crying she rushed over to her. "Hope baby wants wrong." she said holding her close as Hope cried more "I.... I b.. broke..." she couldn't say it as she started crying more "shh.." Mel held her daughter frowning

746Lesson have been learned - Page 30 Empty Re: Lesson have been learned Sun Sep 30, 2012 6:51 pm

Necahual and Jayden

Necahual and Jayden

Jayden shook his head continually disappointed in himself about everything. Why did he have to be born a werewolf? He sighed and wiped his tears as he just stared at the wall feeling empty. He let out a sigh and ran a hand through his hair before dropping it onto his lap. The doctor came in and asked for his house phone number as Jayden told him in a dull tone still staring straight into the wall. "OK.I will call your parents since they need to be informed on what happened." The doctor said leaving the room. He dialed Jayden's home phone number and Neca lifted her head up as she got off of Aladdin holding up the towel. "Hello?" She smiled before her smile quickly turned into a frown. "W-what? Is he OK?" She asked worried as her eyes began to tear up when the doctor didn't give any detail if he was alright or not. She hung up and quickly put on some clothes before glancing at Aladdin with a frown. "Get ready..Jayden is in" She frowned and covered her mouth hoping he was alright.

747Lesson have been learned - Page 30 Empty Re: Lesson have been learned Sun Sep 30, 2012 7:05 pm

Hope Hawkins

Hope Hawkins

**I don't know what to put down :O

748Lesson have been learned - Page 30 Empty Re: Lesson have been learned Sun Sep 30, 2012 7:06 pm

Necahual and Jayden

Necahual and Jayden

( either..we need to wait for them to get back on D:)

749Lesson have been learned - Page 30 Empty Re: Lesson have been learned Sun Sep 30, 2012 10:14 pm

Ellie and John Hawkins

Ellie and John Hawkins

(Ahh sorry >.< Has Sophie not beeen on? D: )

Ellie shook her head, "I know you didn't mean it" she mumbled quietly and looked down at her hands. She blew air into her face before getting up and sitting on his bed cautiously. She put a hand over his and slightly sighed, "do you need anything?" she asked hesitantly with her eyebrows raised.

750Lesson have been learned - Page 30 Empty Re: Lesson have been learned Sun Sep 30, 2012 10:16 pm

Necahual and Jayden

Necahual and Jayden

(No...she hasn't :/)

Taran looked down and nodded his head. "Is Jayden alright?" He asked as he rubbed the back of his neck with a frown. He continued to shake his head with a sigh as he couldn't believe what just happened on a Halloween night. "Who would have thought..this Halloween was suppose be fun..sorry we ruined it." He looked at her apologetically.

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